

1.  Trying for a good hour and a half to figure out how to make a nifty little button for my blog so I can spread the word about my little space of web and invite friends to read my blog and post my little'ol button to their blog so we can be bloggy friends.  Not only did it take me that terribly long, but I had to phone a friend for help.
Yeah.  But, (side note) steal my button from over there and leave a comment to your blog so we can become friends (:
2.  Listening to the radio for so long that when I finally change back to listening to CD's the one that is currently loaded in my car is Michael Buble's Christmas album.  And I listen to it. And belt out every single word to every single songAnd it's March.
3.  Walking in to the nail salon and seemingly nice manicure man asking me what we want done.  I tell him I want a manicure, color in hand, and ask if I can have glitter on these nails.  Not so nice manicure man explains that I CANNOT have glitter on just "dat nail" that I must have it on all and it is $25.  $12 for normal color.  Take a guess what I chose. 
Manicure Personnel-1, M-0.
4.  When the nice lady doing my nails tells me that I have small nails. Proceeds to tell me that they are like little girls' nails.  And hard to paint.  Manicure Personnel-2, M-0.
5.  Running late for my dentist appointment and calling the office to tell them that I would be a few twenty minutes late.  Which for me, thinking that my appointment is at 2:30, that realistically I'll get there in ten minutes and everything will be fine.  Until the very nice lady from the dentist's office tells me that my appointment was at 2:00 (time on clock now reads 2:15) and that we have to reschedule, again.
6.  This version of Little Bunny Foo-foo

1.  Dates with friends to get mani's and catch up and do all things girly.  Might I mention that this being said, my nails are now officially ready for spring.
And really, friend since middle school - you are awesome all on your own because these days, friends like you are hard to come by.
2.  Dinner dates with your momma and aunt who tell thee most hilarious stories I have ever heard, even in public, and laughing until I have to get up and use the restroom twice. And sitting there until, oh well, probably eight o'clock, even though we sat down at...um, 5ish.
3.  That one cold day we had this week where I had to pull out my fleece blanket and heavy socks but could read my book by the fire and see not a cloud floating in the sky.
4.  Weasley my dog. My french bulldog. Which I do not own. Yet.
(Can a girl dream?)

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